Stanislao  Chimenti  picture Stanislao Chimenti

Studio Delfino e Associati Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
Via di Ripetta 142
Rome, 00186


Stanislao Chimenti assists Clients in civil litigation, bankruptcy and corporate matters, as well as out of court transactions before the independent Authorities, in domestic and international agreements.
His clients are big, middles size and small enterprises, both public and private, national and international, operating in the sectors of telecommunications, publishing industry, transportation, TV and cinema production as well as in the insurance, banking and real estate fields.
Stanislao Chimenti has been conferred various appointments by the Ministry of Economic Development as commissioner in relevant bankruptcy procedures as well as member in expert committees. He also carries out an academic activity teaching in various state and private Italian universities.

Selected Significant Matters
• On 20 May 2014 he was appointed member of the board of the pension fund "Previambiente".
• By decree of 20 March 2014 of the Minister of Economic Development, he was appointed member of the commissioner board of extraordinary administration proceedings of Tirrenia SpA and Siremar SpA.
• On February 28, 2014 he became a member of the supervisory board, as statutory auditor, of Trentino NGN Srl (Telecom Italy).
• On 24 January 2014 he was appointed member of the International Insolvency Institute.
• On 11 October 2011 he was appointed by the President of the National Research Council, a member of the Committee of Experts for the preparation of a program of strategic activities of the Council (DVS).
• Since 2010, as an independent director, he is a member of the Board of Directors of Dada SpA, a company listed on the Milan stock exchange in the Stars.
• On April 21, 2010, he was appointed by the Minister of Education, University and Research as an expert, member of the Board of Directors of the CNR - National Research Council.
• On 8 February 12, 2009 by decree of the Minister of Economic Development, he was appointed member of the commissioner of the extraordinary administration proceedings of IT Holding SpA.
• He was appointed in 2009 by the Ministry of Economic Development, member of the Study Group for the reform of the extraordinary administration of large groups in Crisis.
• In the joint session of 5 July 2006 between the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, having received the majority vote required by Article. 3 of the Constitutional Law. 11/22/1967, n. 2, he was included in the list provided by art. 135, seventh paragraph of the Constitution, for accusation proceedings before the Constitutional Court.
• He was a member in 2005, of the ministerial committee established at the Ministry of Economy, for the elaboration of the draft legislative decree concerning the reform of the rules governing the bankruptcy procedures for the implementation of article 1 , paragraphs 5 and 6 of the Law of 14 May 2005, n. 80 (ed. Vietti Commission).
• On July 1, 2002, by decree of the Ministry for Productive Activities, he was appointed a member of the executive committee for monitoring the status of the proceedings initiated pursuant to law no. 95/79 and Legislative Decree n. 270/99 (extraordinary administration for large companies in crisis), with mandate for formulating any contributions of legislation thereon.
• By decree of the Minister of Justice and Minister of Economy and Finance of 28 November 2001, he was appointed member of the Commission for the elaboration of the principles and criteria of a draft law on the introduction the new bankruptcy law and the revision of standards concerning the connected institutions
Recognition, Honors & Awards

• Member of the International Insolvency Institute
• 2005 appointed Cavaliere dell'Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana
• 2013 appointed Ufficiale dell'Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana

• "Trattato delle procedure concorsuali" AA.W. UTET, 2011.
• "Il diritto processuale del fallimento" Giappichelli, 2010 (II3 Edizione);
• "Fallimento e altre procedure concorsuali" AA.W. UTET, 2009;
• "Riforma Fallimentare, Lavori Preparatori e Obiettivi", Itaedizioni, 2008;
• "Commentario al Codice delle Società per Azioni" , Utet, 2007;
• "Il Nuovo Diritto della crisi dell'Impresa e del Fallimento" Itaedizioni, 2006;
• "Il concordato preventivo e la ristrutturazione del debito di impresa" Itaedizioni, 2006;
• "I nuovi poteri del tribunale fallimentare in sede di omologazione del concordato preventivo alla luce della L. 80/2005. La definizione dello stato di crisi secondo l'attuale panorama giurisprudenziale" in Giurisprudenza di Merito, 5- 2006;
• "Note in tema di responsabilità dei soci di società consortile" in II Diritto fallimentare e delle società commerciali, in II Diritto fallimentare, 2005;
• "La composizione stragiudiziale della Crisi di Impresa", Itaedizioni, 2004;
• "Delega al Governo per la riforma organica della disciplina della crisi d'impresa e dell'insolvenza" in Iter Legis n. 3-4/2003;
• Il piccolo imprenditore nel ddl "Castelli" e nel progetto di riforma della legge fallimentare. Iter Legis, in Iter Legis 11-2001;
• La nuova società a responsabilità limitata nel progetto di riforma delle società non quotate, in Iter Legis Sept — Nov 2000;
Education & Admissions
1991 Law Degree from the University of Rome La Sapienza
Bar Admissions
1997 Admitted to the Bar of Rome
2009 Admitted to practice before the Superior Courts
