Senior Judge Dr. Miodrag Miki Dordevic Dr.
Justice of the Supreme Court
Ljubljana University Law School
Judge of the First Instance Court (1985 – 1992)
Judge of the Court of Appeals (1992 – 2003)
Justice of the Supreme Court (since 2003)
Senior Justice (since 2009)
Fulbright Fund Foreign Scholarship (2002).
Professional development in the field of American Bankruptcy Law.
Host 1: U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Tennessee (Nashville, USA)
Host 2: Vanderbilt University Law School (Nashville, Tennessee, USA)
Ph. D. Doctorate in Legal Sciences (2004)
Exam for Mediators (2003)
Exam for Trainer of Mediators (2005)
HELP Focal Point (2015)
HELP Trainer (2015)
2016-2017 Macedonia
Key Expert 2 (i.e. Senior Liquidation Expert)
The European Union's IPA Project on
"Strengthening the administrative capacities for implementation
of the legal framework for bankruptcy and liquidation of companies"