Prof. Dr. Héctor José Miguens  pictureProf. Dr. Héctor José Miguens

Extraordinary Professor

Guido 1724
Buenos Aires, C1016AAF




Guido 1724

C1016AAF – Buenos Aires


Cel: +54 9 11 4448 8400



Born: Buenos Aires, Argentina.



Educational Background:



  • 2020: LLM. Master in US Law. Law School. University of St. Thomas. Minnesota. (one year, full time)
  • 2017: Diploma in Theory of Law and Argumentation, Universidad Austral, Law School, Buenos Aires. (one year, part-time)
  • 2016: Diploma in Corporate Compliance and Business Ethics. Universidad Austral, Law School, Buenos Aires. (one year, part-time)
  • 1996: Iuris Doctoris (J.S.D. / PhD): Universidad de Navarra, Law School, Spain, 1996. (five years, full time) (Summa cum Laude)
  • 1989: Trustee in Bankruptcy Specialist: Universidad de Tucumán, School of Economics, Argentina. (two years part time)
  • 1982: J.D.: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Law School. (“Abogado”) (five years of University studies)





Independent Researcher. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, (CONICET), (National Scientific and Technical Research Council) Argentina, since 2007 - present.



Teaching Experience:


Law Professor at the following Universities and Institutions:


  1. 2018-present: "Lecturer" hired by the Foundation Course on International Insolvency Law of "Insol International" for the teaching group on International Bankruptcy Law in Argentina.
  2. Member of the Faculty, Universidad Austral, Law School, Buenos Aires. Law Professor since 1997 (at present Extraordinary Professor).
  3. 1987-1991. National University of Tucumán, School of Law, Argentina (Lawyers’ Professional Ethics).
  4. 1990-1991. Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino, School of Law, Concepción, Province of Tucumán, Argentina (Bankruptcy Law).
  5. 2014 - present. National University of Buenos Aires, School of Law, (at the Postgraduate Course on Bankruptcy Law).
  6. 1997-1999. Universidad del Salvador, School of Law, Buenos Aires, (Commercial Contracts Law)
  7. 1991. Argentine Catholic University, School of Law, Rosario, Santa Fe (Argentina) (Professional Ethics of the Trustee in Bankruptcy)
  8. 1991-1996. University of Navarra, School of Law, Pamplona, Spain (Assistant Professor at the Department of Procedural Law with a full time dedication to Bankruptcy Law).
  9. 1992-1994. University of Navarra, Architectural School, Pamplona, Spain (part-time Professor of Ethics and Architect Legislation)
  10. 1999-2009. Austral University, School of Economics, Rosario, Argentina (Professor of the LLM in Business Law).
  11. 1999. Universidad Javeriana, School of Law, Bogotá, Colombia (Visiting Professor).
  12. 2001. National University of Rosario, School of Economics, Rosario, Argentina (Invited Professor of Bankruptcy Law).



Experience as an Attorney-at-Law (1982-2006)


Legal matters in which I acted: commercial law in general; Contracts, Corporations and Tenders, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law, Banking Law.

Matters in which I acted more specifically: purchase and sale of shareholdings, due diligence, mergers, bankruptcy reorganizations, corporate groups, syndication of shares, challenges to meetings, commercial contracts, banking contracts, interpretation of accounting and asset information, securities actions, insurance and actions derived from the insurance contract, cassation and extraordinary appeals, federal cases, civil contracts, inheritance, corporate liability and bankruptcy proceedings, actions on rights in rem, telecommunications, civil liability, foreclosures and pledges, expropriations, banking law, tax law and labor law.

Experience in court and out-of-court negotiations.

On April 18, 1989, he obtained a declaration of unconstitutionality of the judgment of the Federal Court of Appeals of Tucumán, dated September 30, 1987, by the Federal Supreme Court of Justice, in the matter of commercial banking contracts.


Legislative advisor on Commercial Law matters


1989-1990: Advisor to the Board of Directors of the Honorable Constitutional Convention of Tucumán, in the elaboration of the text of the reform of the Constitution of the Province of Tucumán of 1990.

2002: Advisor to the Argentine Senate on Bankruptcy and Business Law. Drafted a project of reforms to the bankruptcy law that was not published and delivered to the Senate. He also acted in private and public sessions in the General Legislation Committee of said legislative body pertaining the Argentine Bankruptcy/Insolvency law reforms of 2002.


Arbitrator in commercial matters


Since May 2000, I have been a member of the Arbitration Court of the Buenos Aires Public Bar Association in the "Commercial" area.


Researcher and Lecturer to foreign scientific and professional entities


For the period 2008-2009, I have been hired as Researcher ("Scholar") of "Insol International", based in London, appointed after an international competition on issues pertaining to Bankruptcy/Insolvency Law.

Since 2018, I have been hired as a Lecturer of the Foundation Course on International Insolvency Law of "Insol International" for the sub-group of teaching on International Bankruptcy Law of Argentina.


Advisor to Universities


Appointed External Evaluator of the Catholic University of Santa Fe, Argentina, for the categorization of professors, researchers, and research projects, since 2007-present.

Appointed member of the Postgraduate Commission of the Career "Specialization in Bankruptcy Proceedings" of the School of Economics and Statistics of the National University of Rosario, Province of Santa Fe, Argentina, since 2006-present.


Editor of legal publications


2003: Editor for the Business Law area of Editorial Lexis Nexis Argentina SA, (periodical publications Department) in Buenos Aires.


Editorial Board of Legal Journals


I am member of the Editorial Board of the "Revista Argentina de Derecho Empresario", published by the Business Law Department of Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires, since 2012.

Also, member of the Editorial Board of the "Revista Argentina de Derecho Concursal", published by the Business Law Department of Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires, since 2012.


Peer Reviewer of Argentine and foreign legal journals


Since 2014 he has been refereeing articles for publication in the "American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review", an American journal;

Since 2014 he has carried out peer reviews for the Revista Juridica Dikaion, Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia.

Peer reviewer since 2018 for the International Journal of Law and Society  

Peer reviewer of the Revista Argentina de Derecho de la Energía, published in Buenos Aires by Editorial Abaco, since 2021.

On 9 September 2021 he has evaluated as Referee an article on Argentine bankruptcy law for the Revista de Derecho de la Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo, Chile.

Peer reviewer of legal articles on the US platform in two occasions: 1) Article "Adjudication of Claims filed during Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process - A short note". By Simran Kang. Date: July 7th, 2021. 2) Article: "The United Kingdom's Emergency Restrictions on Statutory Demands and other Insolvency Measures during COVID -19 Pandemic: Is There a Balance Between the Rights and Interests of Debtors and Creditors? By Gaone Laurel Tlagae, University of Cape Town (Opinion of 3rd.  November 2021).


Member of international research groups


Member of the Research Group on "Treatment of Executory Contracts in Insolvency Law: a Comparative Study", conducted by the City University of London, Law School, United Kingdom, group composed of 30 members from 26 countries. As such, it has written the chapter entitled "Treatment of Executory Contracts in Insolvency Law: a Comparative Study. Report of Argentina" in English, which, after having been submitted to external peer review, has been published as a book in 2019 by the English publishing house Edward Elgar. A second edition of the book will appear during 2023.

Member of the Research Study Group on "The Regulation of Insolvency Professionals", which is carried out by the following institutions: led by INSOL International, the Centre for Business and Insolvency Law at Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom; the Centre for Business and Legal Research at Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands; the Centre for Commercial and Property Law Research at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia; and the Centre for Advanced Corporate and Insolvency Law at the University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa, for 2016-2020 and covering 45 national jurisdictions. It is currently under implementation.

Teaching and research group led by this informant is entitled "Foundation Certificate in International Insolvency Law" dictated by INSOL INTERNATIONAL, International Association of Restructuring, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Professionals, an international federation of professional bodies dedicated to the study of insolvency law with headquarters in London, of which I am a contracted "Lecturer". In this capacity and together with Prof. Dr. Daniel Fernando Alonso and Prof. Dr. Roberto Esteban Abieri, I coordinated, wrote, supervised and translated into English three files that are included in CONICET SIGEVA, of a total of 90 pages, which are available to students in this international postgraduate course. 

Research group called "When Liquidation is Not an Option: A Global Study of Local Public Entities (LPEs) in Distress". This research project is funded by INSOL INTERNATIONAL and the University of Essex, UK. The principal investigators are Prof. Dr. Eugenio Vaccari (Royal Holloway, University of London), Prof. Dr. Yseult Marique (University of Essex) and Dr. Laura Napoli Coordes, (Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, Arizona State University in Phoenix, USA). Researchers from more than thirty countries take part in it. The project was published as an electronic book by INSOL INTERNATIONAL on line. The chapter of Argentina on the Insolvency Law of Local Public Entities was written in co-authorship with Prof. Dr. Sergio Díaz Ricci of the National University of Tucumán, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina and Prof. Dr. María Gabriela Ábalos, of the National University of Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina.

Research group called "When Liquidation is Not an Option: A Global Study of Local Public Entities (LPEs) in Distress". This research project is funded by INSOL INTERNATIONAL and the University of Essex, UK. The principal investigators are Prof. Dr. Eugenio Vaccari (Royal Holloway, University of London), Prof. Dr. Yseult Marique (University of Essex) and Dr. Laura Napoli Coordes, (Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, Arizona State University in Phoenix, USA). Researchers from more than thirty countries are taking part in it from 2023 until 2029. The chapter of Argentina on the Insolvency Law of Local Public Entities will be written in co-authorship with Prof. Dr. Sergio Díaz Ricci and Esteban Nader of the National University of Tucumán, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina and Prof. Dr. María Gabriela Ábalos, of the National University of Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina.


Academic training of people


Supervisor of legal works as Professor of the Master of Corporate Legal Advice, postgraduate course of the Faculty of Economics of the Austral University in Rosario, Province of Santa Fe, Argentina, from 1997 to 2010, with a load of correction of monographs and theses for a total of approximately 150 papers per year.

He has been Director of various Master's Thesis and member of evaluation boards of Doctoral Thesis in Law.

Direction of Doctoral Fellows in Law and supervisor of candidates for Doctorate in Law at the Universidad Austral, at the Universidad Católica Argentina in Rosario, at the Universidad Católica Argentina in Buenos Aires.

Member of jury evaluators of Master's Thesis and PhD in the Faculty of Law of Universidad Austral, since 2009.



Funded of research projects


He has obtained funding for various research projects on three occasions from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany (2003-2005, 2010, 2015), the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Law in Hamburg, (2000), Germany and the Universidad Austral (three times: 2018, 2020 and 2023).


Academic Consulting


He has issued opinions as an evaluating peer in a process of change of category of researchers in the CONICET's Scientific Research Career in 2010.

Evaluator of research projects at the School of Law, Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, since 2015 (two times).

CONICYT (CHILE) Research Project Evaluator FONDECYT-CONICYT Program, Ministry of Education - Government of Chile, Santiago de Chile, November 2018.

June 2019: Evaluation of Manuscript number ID RBGN-2019-0043.R1 entitled "Corporate Financial Distress and Reorganization: Literature Review and Case Studies in Brazil" for the Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios.

Evaluator of Research Projects of the University of Morón, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, since 2020.

Evaluator of Research Projects of the National University of Lujan, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, since 2023.

Consultant to the National Senate of Argentina for Insolvency Law and Corporate Law, during 2000-2003.

Consultant to the International Bar Association (London) on different aspects of Argentine Commercial Law, during 2002-2003.


Congresses, Seminars and Conferences


Attendance to one hundred and twenty-five Law Congresses and Symposiums, in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Spain, Brazil, Ireland, Italy, Czech Republic, Germany and the United States.

Attendance to eighty-nine Postgraduate Law Courses, in Argentina, United Kingdom, Spain and Germany.

Has given twenty-seven Lectures and Seminaries in Spain, Argentina, Germany, and the United States.



Advisor at UNCITRAL


Advisor to Argentina at the Session of Working Group V (Insolvency Law) of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), held in New York from 15th to 19th  April 2013 and at the Session held from 21st to 25th April 2014 also in New York, by appointment of the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Relations.


Institutional Citizenship


Secretary of the Asociación Cultural del Norte, civil association without profit, located in San Miguel de Tucumán, Province of Tucumán, Argentina, from 1982 to 1991, pertaining cultural and legal matters of the Centro Universitario Cebil, a private University Residence.


Mentoring of Students


Using the tutor system of teaching I acquired experience of guiding and mentoring university students over the last four decades as a volunteer in several University Residences and University Students Centers in Argentina, Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.


Other Academic Achievements and Positions



“Research Fellow”, internationales und Europäisches Insolvenzrecht, Rechtswissenchaftliche Fakultät der Universität zu Köln, Cologne, Germany, 2015.

Visiting Scholar”. Center for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom, 2015.

Visiting Scholar. George Washington University, Law School. Washington DC, 2013.

Fellow. Institute of European and Comparative Law. Faculty of Law. University of Oxford, United Kingdom, 2010.

"Insol International Scholar". London, United Kingdom. Advisor, researcher, and publicist. Recruitment after an international competition of antecedents, 2008-2009. (One-year contract).

Research Fellow (Georg Forster Program) of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung at the Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, Hamburg, Germany. (Postdoctoral Program), 2010 and 2015.

Research Fellow (Georg Forster Program) of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung at the Institut für Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht of the “Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn”, Bonn, Germany. (Postdoctoral Program), 2003-2005.

Research Fellow” (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft-Stipendiat) of the Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, Hamburg, Germany. (Postdoctoral Program), 2000. (six months)

Visiting Researcher, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London University, 1997.

Visiting Researcher, London School of Economics & Political Science, 1997.






Author of three books, co-author of twenty-two books Chapters (in Argentina, Germany, Chile, Italy and the United Kingdom) and author of eighty-five articles published in international Law Reviews of the United States, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Italy, Spain, Colombia, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

Principal fields of teaching and scholarship: Comparative Bankruptcy Law / Insolvency Law, Corporate Law (Corporate Groups, Director’s Liability), Private International Bankruptcy Law, Business Ethics, Business Law, Commercial Law.

(An unofficial translation of the titles of the books and articles into English when pertinent is provided in brackets in bold)




1. “Extensión de la quiebra y responsabilidad en los grupos de sociedades”. Depalma.  Buenos Aires. 1998. 495 pages. (Doctoral Dissertation). ISBN 950-14-1662-3. Foreword by Prof. Dr. Adolfo A. N. Rouillon.  Second Edition by Lexis Nexis SA, Buenos Aires, 2006, ISBN: 10: 987-592-088-6. ISBN: 13: 978-987-592-088-0. [“Extension of Bankruptcy and Liability within Corporate Groups in Insolvency”]. A third edition of the book will be published in 2023.

2. El grupo insolvente”. Ed. Abeledo-Perrot. Buenos Aires. 2009. 410 pages.  ISBN 978-950-20-1900-0. Foreword by Prof. Dr. Julio César Otaegui. [“Insolvency of Corporate Groups in a Comparative Law Basis”]. A second edition of the book will be published in 2023.

3. “El derecho internacional privado de la insolvencia en Argentina. Propuestas de reforma “de lege lata” y “de lege ferenda” para Argentina y el MERCOSUR”. Editorial Académica Española. 2018. 146 pages. ISBN 978-620-2-15977-7. [“Private International Insolvency Law In Argentina. Proposals For Reform "De Lege Lata" And "De Lege Ferenda" For Argentina And MERCOSUR”]. A second edition of the book will be published in 2024-2025.


Book Chapters:


  1. “La ocupación de las sociedades filiales de la quiebra de la holding Barcelona Traction. Lecciones nuevas de un viejo caso concursal de grupos de sociedades crisis el derecho español”, AAVV. Studi in onore di Giuseppe Ragusa Maggiore. Cedam. Padova. 1997. Vol. I, págs. 237-301. (Italy). [“The Seizure Of The Subsidiaries Of The Bankruptcy Of The Barcelona Traction Holding Company. New Lessons From An Old Bankruptcy Case Of Groups Of Companies’ Crisis In Spanish Law”].
  2. “Digesto Práctico La Ley Concursos”. (Director: Adolfo Rouillon). Ed. La Ley SA. Buenos Aires. 1999. Three volumes. Second edition in 2003. (co-autor of the second and third volumes). Co-authors: Adolfo Rouillon, Daniel Fernando Alonso, Héctor José Miguens, Marcela Cano, Pedro J. Figueroa Casas, Carlos Gaona, Verónica Gotlieb, Mariano Prono, Delinda Solange Tellechea. [“Practical Digest of Bankruptcy Law”]
  3. “La proyectada normativa europea sobre la liquidación de compañías aseguradoras”, “AAVV. Seguros. Homenaje a Juan Carlos Félix Morandi”, de la Revista Derecho y Empresa, (Rosario), 1997, nº 7 y 8, ps. 135-147. [“The EU Regulation Bill On The Winding-Up Of Insurance Companies”]
  4. “Comentario a la Propuesta de anteproyecto de ley concursal española de 1995”, AAVV. Homenaje al Profesor Fernando A. Legón. Depalma. Buenos Aires. 1998. Págs. 131-157. [“Commentary on the 1995 Spanish Bankruptcy Law Proposal Bill”].
  5. AAVV. “Issues in International Commercial Law”. Edited by Iwan Davies. Ashgate Publishing Limited. Hampshire. United Kingdom. 2005. (Chapter five). Isbn 0-7546-2462-5. ps. 91-122.
  6. “El nuevo derecho de los grupos de sociedades en crisis. Las actuales tendencias en Europa y los Estados Unidos”, “AAVV. La reforma concursal, ley 24.522. Homenaje a Héctor Cámara”, Revista Derecho y Empresa, 1995, nº 4, págs. 35-41. Publication of the School of Economics, Austral University, Rosario (Argentina). [“The New Law Of Corporate Groups In Crisis. Current Trends In Europe And The United States”]
  7. The Insolvent Subsidiary under American Case Law and Argentine Law. Liability Problems, Contribuciones para el Estudio del Derecho Concursal. Homenaje al Prof. Dr. Ariel Angel Dasso, Ad-Hoc, Buenos Aires, 2005, 469.
  8. “Responsabilidad de la dominante en el Derecho Comparado”, Estudios de Derecho Comercial Moderno en Homenaje al Prof. Dr. Osvaldo Gómez Leo, Lexis Nexis, Buenos Aires, 2007, ps. 403-436. [“Liability of the Dominant Corporation in a Comparative Law Basis”].
  9. “Responsabilidad de directores de sociedades por abuso en la revelación y utilización de información empresarial en los Estados Unidos”, AAVV. Cuartas Jornadas Chilenas de Derecho Comercial, (Ed. Eduardo Jequier Leuedé), Thomson Reuters Chilena, Santiago de Chile, 2014, págs. 161-198 (ISBN 978-956-346-577-8)  (Book with peer review). [“Liability Of Corporate Directors For Abuse Of Disclosure And Use Of Corporate Information In The United States”].
  10. “Das argentinische Insolvenzrecht”, en Insolvenzjahrbuch 2011, Schultze & Braun BmbH (Erausgeber), F.A.Z. Institut für Management-, Marckt- und Medieninformationen GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, (Alemania) 2011, ps 10-15. [“Insolvency Law in Argentina” in German]
  11.  “Insolvency Law in Argentina” en Insolvency and Restructuring in Germany – Yearbook 2011, Schultze & Braun BmbH (Erausgeber), F.A.Z. Institut für Management-, Marckt- und Medieninformationen GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, (Alemania) 2011, ps 10-15. [“Insolvency Law in Argentina” in English]
  12. “Efectos civiles de la responsabilidad penal de directores de sociedades en el derecho de los Estados Unidos”, AAVV, Estudios de Derecho Comercial en honor de Héctor Alegría, Ed. La Ley, Buenos Aires, 2012. ["Civil effects of criminal liability of corporate directors under United States law].
  13. “Consideraciones actuales y propuestas de reforma de lege lata y de lege ferenda para el derecho internacional privado de la insolvencia en Argentina y en el MERCOSUR”, (Capítulo de libro) en Antonio Boggiano, Derecho Internacional Privado, Derecho Mercantil Internacional, Tomo II, Septima Edición actualizada, Ed. La Ley, Buenos Aires, 2017 (peer-reviewed book) ISBN 978-987-03-3302-9. (“Current considerations and reform proposals de lege lata and de lege ferenda for private international insolvency law in Argentina and MERCOSUR”)
  14. The Regulation of Insolvency Practitioners in Argentina”, (forthcoming), Centre for Business and Insolvency Law, Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom; Business and Law Research Centre at Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands; Commercial and Property Law Research Centre at the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia; and the Centre for Advanced Corporate and Insolvency Law at the University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa. (Peer reviewed book).
  15. The Regulation of Insolvency Practitioners in Chile”, (forthcoming), Centre for Business and Insolvency Law, Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom; Business and Law Research Centre at Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands (Holanda); Commercial and Property Law Research Centre at the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia; and the Centre for Advanced Corporate and Insolvency Law at the University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa. (Peer reviewed book) The chapter was written by Nicolás Velasco Jenschke and I supervised it.
  16. The Regulation of Insolvency Practitioners in Brazil”, (in print) Centre for Business and Insolvency Law, Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom; Business and Law Research Centre at Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands (Holanda); Commercial and Property Law Research Centre at the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia; and the Centre for Advanced Corporate and Insolvency Law at the University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa. (Peer reviewed book). The chapter was written by Thiago Rocha da Fonseca and I supervised it.
  17. AAVV. Published by GTI Media in partnership with INSOL INTERNATIONAL, The 2019 INSOL DIRECTORY, Insolvency Practitioners – Qualifications and Appointments around the World, Report for Argentina, London, 2019, ps. 27-28. ISBN 978-912625-06-2.
  18. AAVV. Jason Chuah / Eugenio Vaccari, (eds.), “Executory Contracts in Insolvency Law: A Global Guide, Report for Argentina”, 2019, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., (United Kingdom) 2019, pages 52-75. ISBN 978-178-811-551-3.
  1. AAVV. Published by GTI Media in partnership with INSOL INTERNATIONAL, The 2020 INSOL DIRECTORY, Insolvency Practitioners – Qualifications and Appointments around the World, Report for Argentina, London, 2020, ps. 27-28. ISBN 978-1-912-625-02-4.
  2. HECTOR JOSE MIGUENS, Un ejemplo de circulación de ideas de derecho comparado desde Estados Unidos pasando por Europa hacia Latino América. La obra de Rolf Serick respecto de la doctrina del piercing the corporate veil en el derecho civil y comercial de principios del siglo XIX hasta la actualidad, en VIVIANA KLUGER, MARIA ANGELICA CORVA, AGUSTIN PARISE, MARIA ROSARIO POLOTTO (Editores), Dimensión transatlántica de la Iushistoria: Actas de las XXVIII Jornadas de Historia del Derecho Argentino. Buenos Aires: Editorial de la Universidad Católica Argentina, 2023, ps. 399 - 418. isbn 978-987-620-564-1.
  3. HECTOR JOSE MIGUENS, Insolvency Practitioners. Qualifications and Appointments around the World, INSOL INTERNATIONAL, The 2021 INSOL DIRECTORY - The Comprehensive Directory of Restructuring, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Professionals Throughout the World: GTI Media in partnership with INSOL INTERNATIONAL, 2022, ps. 27 - 30. isbn 978-1-873671-00-9.
  4. HECTOR JOSE MIGUENS, Aportaciones de la ética empresarial al Corporate Governance. (La obra pionera de los personalistas y en especial de Domènec Melé), MARIA FERNANDA VASQUEZ PALMA (Editora), GLORIA ALMONACID (Coordinadora), AAVV. En la búsqueda de la sustentabilidad de la empresa. Estado actual del Buen Gobierno Corporativo en el Derecho de Sociedades. Perspectivas comparadas en Iberoamérica, Santiago: Chile, Grupo Editorial Ibañez Limitada, 2023. p 401-444. 444.978-958-791-819-9
  5. HECTOR JOSE MIGUENS, MARIA GABRIELA ÁBALOS, SERGIO DIAZ RICCI; Local public entities in distress – A critical analysis of the Argentinian approach, in AAVV. When Liquidation is NOT an Option: A Global Study on the Treatment of Local Public Entities in Distress, London, Insol International, 2023, p. 48 - 62. isbn 978-1-907764-33-2.
  6. HECTOR JOSE MIGUENS, Report From Argentina, Aavv. Jason Chuah / Eugenio Vaccari (Editors), Executory Contracts In Insolvency Law: A Global Guide, Cheltenham, United Kingdom, Edward Elgar Publishing, Second Edition, 2023. ps. 9 – 56, isbn 978-1-80392 341 3.
  7. HECTOR JOSE MIGUENS, Insolvency Practitioners. Qualifications and Appointments around the World. The 2022 INSOL DIRECTORY - The Comprehensive Directory of Restructuring, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Professionals Throughout the World: GTI Media in partnership with INSOL INTERNATIONAL, 2023, p. 27 - 30. isbn 978-1-873671-00-9.
  8. HECTOR JOSE MIGUENS, The Uncitral 2019 Model Law On (Multinational) Enterprise Groups Insolvency With Guide To Enactment. An Example Of Legislative Practicality, Convenience, And Pragmatism., Alexander Trunk; Jasna Garasic (Editors), European Union Insolvency Law And Third Countries: Which Way(S) Forward?, Kiel, Duncker & Humblot, 2024. Ps. 399 - 420. isbn 978-958-791-819-9 (forthcoming)
  9. HECTOR JOSE MIGUENS, “A Commentary Of The Argentine Cross Border Insolvency Bill Of 2018”, Alexander Trunk; Jasna Garasic. (Editors),  European Union Insolvency Law And Third Countries: Which Way(S) Forward?, Kiel, Duncker & Humblot, 2024, ps. 399 - 420. isbn 978-958-791-819-9 (forthcoming)




  1. “Aplicación del moderno ‘Derecho de las empresas dificultades’ al caso de las entidades aseguradoras crisis. Algunas propuestas.”, Iuris. Revista Jurídica Vélez Sársfield, Rosario, tomo II, año 1989, 397-403 (nº 23, March 15th. 1989). (Argentina) [“Reorganization of Insurance Companies”]
  2. “Aspectos legales, constitucionales y profesionales de la Carrera Universitaria de Postgrado de Especialización Sindicaturas Concursales”, Excma. Cámara de Apelaciones lo Civil y Comercial de Rosario, del 21 de septiembre de 1988, Revista Jurídica ZEUS, Rosario, 1989, 1-12. (Argentina) (case comment) [“Professional Status Of The Post-Graduate Specialization On Trustee In Bankruptcy”].
  3. “Microeconomía y derecho concursal. Algunas variables y relaciones”, Revista Jurídica Iuris, Rosario, (Argentina), 1992, 641-662. [“Microeconomics And Bankruptcy Law. Some Variables And Relations”.]
  4. “La responsabilidad patrimonial en los concursos de grupos de sociedades en el ámbito de la CEE”, Revista de Derecho Bancario y Bursátil, Madrid, 1996, 149-160 (Spain); also  Rivista di Diritto Fallimentare e delle società commerciale, 1996, I, 191-202. (Italy). [“Liability In Insolvency Proceedings Of Groups Of Companies Within The European Union”].
  5. “Crítica y soluciones a los sistemas de extensión de la quiebra en los grupos de sociedades en el derecho comparado”, Revista de Derecho de Sociedades, (España), 1996, nº 7, 132-182. [“Criticism And Solutions To Systems Of Bankruptcy Extension Within Groups Of Companies In Comparative Law”]
  6. “La ocupación de las sociedades filiales de la quiebra de la holding Barcelona Traction. Lecciones nuevas de un viejo caso concursal de grupos de sociedades crisis el derecho español”, Revista de Derecho Mercantil, (España) abril 1997, 1-67 y AAVV. Studi in onore di Giuseppe Ragusa Maggiore. Cedam. Padova. 1997. Vol. I, 237-301. (Italy). [“The Seizure Of The Subsidiaries Of The Bankruptcy Of The Barcelona Traction Holding Company. New Lessons From An Old Bankruptcy Case Of Groups Of Companies’ Crisis In Spanish Law”].
  7. “La subordinación equitativa de las demandas intersocietarias dentro de un grupo de sociedades el derecho concursal norteamericanoDiritto Fallimentare e delle Società Commerciali, (Italy) 1997, I, 359-428; and in Revista de Derecho Mercantil, (Spain) 1998, 245-312. [“The Equitable Subordination Of Intercompany Claims Within Corporate Groups In US Bankruptcy Law”].
  8. “Alternativas a los sistemas de extensión de la quiebra los grupos de sociedades”, Revista del Derecho Comercial y de las Obligaciones, 1997, 241-333. See commentary by Juan Carlos Proclava Lafuente La Ley 1998-D-1441-1442. (Argentina). [“Alternatives to Extension of Bankruptcy Systems of Corporate Groups”].
  9. “La responsabilidad intragrupo como alternativa a los sistemas de extensión de la quiebra los grupos de sociedades”, Diritto Fallimentare e delle Società Commerciali, 1997, I, 600-682. (Italy). [“Intra-Group Liability As An Alternative To Systems Of Extending Bankruptcy Within Corporate Groups”]
  10. “Competencia en la extensión de quiebra”, La Ley Litoral, 1998-2, 330-335. (Argentina). [“Judicial Competence In Cases Of Extension of Bankruptcy”].
  11. “La consolidación concursal en el derecho norteamericano de grupos de sociedades”, Revista del Derecho Comercial y de las Obligaciones, Depalma, Buenos Aires, 1998, 517-555. (Argentina). [“Bankruptcy Consolidation In The American Law Of Corporate Groups”].
  12. “Extensión de quiebra, confusión patrimonial y grupo. El caso del Sanatorio Humboldt SA”, Jurisprudencia Argentina, 2000, 28-40. (Argentina). [“Extension Of Bankruptcy, Commingling Of Assets And Corporate Group. The Case Of The Sanatorio Humboldt SA”].
  13. “La responsabilidad patrimonial en los concursos de grupos de sociedades en el ámbito de la UE”, Revista Dikaion (Colombia), year 2000, n. 9, 48-69. [“Liability in the Bankruptcy of Corporate Groups in the European Union”].
  14. “La extensión de la quiebra y la responsabilidad los grupos de sociedades en el derecho inglés”, La Ley 2001-F-1115. (Argentina). [”The Extension of Bankruptcy and Group Liability in English Company Law”].
  15. “Comentario al Anteproyecto de Ley de Culto” El Derecho Legislación Argentina, 2001, Boletín nº 19 del 9.11.2001, págs. 9-12. (Argentina). [“Commentary on the Draft Law on Worship”].
  16. “Sobre la prohibición del juicio de antequiebra”, La LeyNOA, Septiembre de 2001, nº 6, p. 441-446. (Argentina). [“On The Banning Of The Pre-Bankruptcy Trial”].
  17. “Fideicomiso y concursos”, Revista del Derecho Comercial y de las Obligaciones, 2002, 409-417. (Argentina). [“Trust and Bankruptcy Law”].
  18. “La responsabilidad del controlante el derecho concursal norteamericano”, La Ley 2002-C-963. (Argentina). ["The Liability Of The Controlling Party In American Bankruptcy Law"].
  19. Liability of a Parent Corporation for the Obligations of an Insolvent Subsidiary Under American Case Law and Argentine Law”, American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review, (Washington DC, USA) vol. 10 spring 2002, 217-247.
  20. “Comentario a la nueva ley concursal nº 25.589”, Jurisprudencia Argentina, 2002-III-1150. (Argentina). [“Commentary To The New Argentine Bankruptcy Law Nº 25.589”].
  21. “La Séptima Directiva europea sobre consolidación contable en los grupos de sociedades”, Enfoques, Ed. La Ley, Buenos Aires, febrero 2003 (nº 2), 92-100. (Argentina). [“The Seventh European Directive on Accounting Consolidation within Corporate Groups”].
  22. “Responsabilidad del controlante en el derecho argentino”, Jurisprudencia Argentina, 2005-I-1444. (Argentina). [“Liability Of The Controlling Party Under Argentine Law”].
  23. “La responsabilidad del dominante por las obligaciones de un sujeto dominado el derecho anglonorteamericano”, Anuario de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de La Coruña, La Coruña, España, vol. 10, año 2006, 725-734. ISSN: 1138-039X. [“The Liability Of The Dominant Corporation For The Obligations Of A Subsidiary In The American Law"].
  24. “Actualidad de la calificación de conducta concursal”, VI Congreso Argentino de Derecho Concursal, 2006, Rosario, tomo 1, “Moralización los procesos concursales”, p. 511. (Argentina). [“Current Status Of The Bankruptcy Conduct Assessment”].
  25. “El saneamiento de entidades financieras por el Banco Central. Exclusión de activos y pasivos y fideicomiso”, La Ley Litoral, 2007, nº 9, octubre 2007, 933-944. (Argentina). [”The Rescue Of Financial Entities By The Central Bank. Exclusion Of Assets And Obligations Within A Trust Frame”].
  26. Prompt Payment of Labour Claims under Argentine Bankruptcy Law”, septiembre de 2008 Electronic Newsletter of Insol International. (Case comment) (United Kingdom)
  27. “La culpa y el art. 173 de la ley concursal argentina”, VII Congreso Nacional de Derecho Concursal, Mendoza los días 4 al 7 de octubre de 2009 and on line. (Argentina). [“Negligence and article 173 of the Argentine Bankruptcy law"].
  28.  “Tax Claims and Electronic Documents in the Argentine Bankruptcy Law”, Electronic Newsletter of Insol International January 2009. (Case comment) (United Kingdom)
  29. “The Argentine Out-of-court Reorganization Agreement and the Recent “Cablevisión” Case”, Electronic Newsletter of Insol International April 2009. (United Kingdom).
  30. “Section 4 of the Argentine Insolvency Act and Multinational Proceedings”, Electronic Newsletter of Insol International May 2009. (United Kingdom).
  31. “Abusive Proposals in the Argentine Bankruptcy System”, Electronic Newsletter de Insol International June 2009. (United Kingdom).
  32. “Fraud on the Part of Creditor”, Electronic Newsletter of Insol International August 2009. (United Kingdom).
  33. “La responsabilidad de los directores societarios en el derecho de los Estados Unidos. Aspectos generales”, Revista del Derecho Comercial y de las Obligaciones, Ed. Abeledo Perrot, Buenos Aires, 2010-A, 705-737. (Argentina). [“The Liability Of Corporate Directors Under The Law Of The United States. General Aspects”]
  34. “El deber de lealtad de los directores societarios los Estados Unidos”, Revista del Derecho Comercial y de las Obligaciones, Buenos Aires, 2010, n° 243, 109-140. (Argentina). [“The Duty Of Loyalty Of Corporate Directors In The Law Of The United States”].
  35. “El deber de diligencia de los directores societarios en el derecho de Estados Unidos”, Foro de Derecho Mercantil, Bogotá, nº 29, octubre-diciembre 2010, 65-93. (Colombia). [“The Duty Of Care Of Corporate Directors Under United States Law”].
  36. “La Business Judgment Rule el derecho societario de los Estados Unidos. Responsabilidad de los directores por sus decisiones dañosas a la sociedad y a terceros”, Revista de Responsabilidad Civil y Seguros, Ed. La Ley, Buenos Aires, Año XII, número 3, marzo 2010, 211-226. (Argentina). [“The Business Judgment Rule In The Corporate Law Of The United States. Liability Of Corporate Directors For Their Harmful Decisions To The Corporation And Third Parties”]
  37. Latest Amendments to Insolvency Law in Latin America”, “Twelfth International Meeting of the INSOL International Academics' Group”, Insol International (London), Dublin, Ireland, 11th -13th June 2010, published on line.
  38.  “The Insolvent Subsidiary and Liability of the Parent Corporation in the USA, Argentina and UNCITRAL”, INSOL International Insolency Review, Vol.19: 239-253 (2010), Published online 9 June 2010 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI:10.1002/iir.185 (Londres, Reino Unido). ISSN (printed): 1180-0518. ISSN (electronic): 1099-1107.
  39. “Das argentinische Insolvenzrecht”, Insolvenzjahrbuch 2011, Schultze & Braun BmbH (Eurausgeber), F.A.Z. Institut für Management-, Marckt- und Medieninformation GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, (Germany) 2011, 10-15. (in German). [“The Bankruptcy Law of Argentina”]
  40.  “Insolvency Law in ArgentinaInsolvency and Restructuring in Germany – Yearbook 2011, Schultze & Braun BmbH (Eurausgeber), F.A.Z. Institut für Management-, Marckt- und Medieninformation GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, (Germany) 2011, 10-15. (in English)
  41. “Wirkung eines deutschen Insolvenz-verfahrens bei Vermögem Ausland – Unterschiedliche Regelungsansätze im InternationalInsolvenzrecht am Beispiel Argentiniens”, in co-authorship with Dr. Philipp Esser, LLM, Neue Zeitschrift für das Recht der Insolvenz und Sanierung, (issn 1436-4778), Ed. C. H. Beck, München, etc.,  NZI, 7/2011, 13 April, 14. Jahrgang 2011, (Beiträge), 277-279. (Germany) (In German). [“Effect Of German Insolvency Proceedings On Foreign Assets - Different Approaches To International Insolvency Law Using Argentina As An Example”].
  42.  “The Liability of Parent Corporations under the Argentine Bankruptcy Law”, International Insolvency Law Review, C. H. Beck Verlag, München, Volume e 2, 2011, 1-7. ISSN 2190-4952. (Germany),
  43. El concepto de “estado de cesación de pagos” el derecho concursal argentino”, Anuario de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de La Coruña, (Spain), nº 16, 2012, 513-547.  (1138-039X). (Peer reviewed Law Journal). [“The Concept Of "Default StateIn Argentine Bankruptcy Law”]
  44.  “Efectos civiles de la responsabilidad penal de directores de sociedades el derecho de los Estados Unidos”, Revista de Derecho de Sociedades, Ed. Thomson-Reuters / Aranzadi, Pamplona, (Spain), número 39, 2012, 623-648. (Peer reviewed Law Journal). [“Civil Effects Of Criminal Liability Of Corporate Directors Under United States Law”].
  45. “Responsabilidad de directores de sociedades respecto de las relaciones laborales en los Estados Unidos”, Aranzadi Social: Revista Doctrinal ISSN 1889-1209, Vol. 5, n° 9 (enero) 2013, 367-382. (Spain) (Peer reviewed Law Journal). [“Liability Of Corporate Directors For Labor Relations In The United States”]
  46. “Responsabilidad civil de directores de instituciones financieras en el derecho societario los Estados Unidos”, Revista Dos Tribunais (Brazil), Vol. 926, 2013, págs. 257-301 (approved by the Editorial Board). También Revista del Derecho Comercial y de las Obligaciones, tomo 2013-A (año 46), 83-115. (Argentina). [“Liability Of Directors Of Financial Institutions Under U.S. Corporate Law”].
  47. “Responsabilidad de los directores de sociedades en casos de tomas de control, fusiones y adquisiciones Estados Unidos”, Revista del Derecho Comercial y de las Obligaciones, tomo 2013-A (año 46), ps. 417-445 (Argentina). También Revista crítica de derecho privado, ISSN 1510-8090, Nº. 10, 2013 , 709-734. (Uruguay) (Peer reviewed Law Journal). [“Liability Of Company Directors In Cases Of Takeovers, Mergers And Acquisitions In The Law Of United States”]
  48. “Responsabilidad de directores de sociedades en Estados Unidos derivada de “Securities”, Revista de Direito Empresarial (RDEmp.)(Brazil), abril 2014, vol. 11, n. 1 (Peer reviewed Law Journal). [“Liability Of Corporate Directors Pertaining To Securities In The Law Of The United States”].
  49. ”Responsabilidad de directores de sociedades en Estados Unidos. Estudio sobre el deber de obediencia de los directores”, Revista Quaestio Iuris, Volumen 7, n. 1, 2014, 225-252 (Brazil). (Peer reviewed Law Journal). [“Liability Of Corporate Directors In The United States. A Study On Directors' Duty Of Obedience”].
  50. “El proceso de Reorganización Concursal de Estados Unidos. (Chapter Eleven del U. S. Code). Introducción y aspectos generales”, Anuario de Derecho Concursal (Editorial Thomson Reuters España), vol 34 (enero 2015), 425-484. (Peer reviewed Law Journal). DIALNET, LATINDEX) ISSN 1698-997X. (Spain). [“The United States Bankruptcy Reorganization Proceeding. (U.S. Code Chapter Eleven). Introduction And General Aspects”].
  51. “Efectos civiles de la responsabilidad penal de directores de sociedades en el derecho de los Estados Unidos”, Revista Argentina de Derecho Penal y Derecho Procesal Penal, número 13, mayo 2014, IJ-LXXI, 469. (Peer reviewed Law Journal) (Argentina). [“Civil Effects Of Criminal Liability Of Corporate Directors Under United States Law”].
  52.  “Responsabilidad de directores de sociedades en los Estados Unidos. Aspectos procesales”, Dikaion, vol. 24, número 1 (Junio) 2015, 86-116, DOI 10.5294/dika.2015.24.1.5. (Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia) (Peer reviewed Law Journal). (Redalyc, Publindex (B), EBSCO-Fuente Académica, Google Académico, Dialnet, HELA, CLASE, Latindex, ProQuest, Criminal Justice). ISSNe 0120-8942. [“Liability Of Corporate Directors In The United States Law. Procedural Aspects”].
  53. The ‘Vulture Funds’ Issue and the Bankruptcy Law Process for States in Economic Crisis”, Oxford Human Rights Hub Blog, The Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, February 3rd, 2015 (on line) (Peer reviewed Law Journal).
  54. “Los "fondos buitre" y la ley de quiebras de los Estados en crisis económicael Oxford Human Rights Hub Blog, The Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, February 3rd, 2015 (Español) (on line). (Peer reviewed Law Journal). [“The "Vulture Funds" And The Bankruptcy Law Of States In Economic Crisis”].
  55. “El proceso de Reorganización Concursal de Estados Unidos (Chapter Eleven del United States Code). Comparación con los procedimientos extrajudiciales de Reorganización”, Revista Quaestio Iuris (Universidad del Estado de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Vol. 9, número 1, año 2016, 545-585. (ISSN 1516-0351) Qualis B1 Direito. (DOI: 10.12957/rqi.2016.21334) (Indexada Latindex, DOAJ, BASE, Thomson Reuters Web of Science, EBSCO host, CENGAGE Learning, CROSSREF Metadata Search, PKP Public Knowledge Project, JURN, MIAR Universitat Barcelona), SCILIT. ( ) (Peer reviewed Law Journal). [“The United States Bankruptcy Reorganization Process (Chapter Eleven Of The United States Code). Comparison With Out-Of-Court Reorganization Proceedings In The United States”].
  56. Book review of ”Moss, Fletcher and Isaacs on the European Union Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings”, Oxford University Press, 3rd. Edition, 2016, 684 pages, ISBN 978-0-19-968780, Eurofenix, The Journal of INSOL Europe, n. 64, Autumm 2016, 44-45.
  57. Book review of “Ignacio de Casas y Fernando M. Toller, Los derechos humanos de las personas jurídicas. Titularidad de derechos y legitimación el sistema interamericano, con prólogo de Catalina Botero Marino, Editorial Porrúa, México, 2015, la Revista Iuris Dictio, numero 20, (2017), 243-248. ISSN 1390-6402 / e-ISSN 2528-7834. (Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador ). (Peer reviewed Law Journal) (Latindex, Tirant Lo Blanc) (Ecuador). (Book review on “Human Rights of Corporate Entities in the Interamerican International System”).
  58. “Responsabilidad de directores de sociedades en los Estados Unidos. Defensas oponibles y acuerdos transaccionales en las acciones procesales”, en Revista Quaestio Iuris, (Universidad del Estado de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil), Vol. 12 , número 01, año 2019 , páginas 1-38. DOI 10.12957 / rqi 2019.33906. (ISSN 1516-0351). (Peer reviewed Law Journal). Qualis B1 Direito. (Indexed in Latindex, DOAJ, BASE, Thomson Reuters Web of Science, EBSCO host, CENGAGE Learning, CROSSREF Metadata Search, PKP Public Knowledge Project, JURN, MIAR Universitat Barcelona), SCILIT. ( [“Liability Of Corporate Directors In The United States Law. Defenses And Settlements In Litigation”].
  59. Julio César Otaegui in memoriam 1923-2017” (Homenaje), Revista del Derecho Comercial y de las Obligaciones, 2017, Ed. La Ley, Buenos Aires, numero 284, mayo/junio 2017, 753-754. (Accepted by the Editorial Board. Law Review indexed at Uni Rioja). (Argentina).
  60. “Ensayo sobre la calidad ética en las profesiones jurídicas”, en JURISPRUDENCIA ARGENTINA, 2018 – III (número 4), Sección Doctrina, 1-21, Ed. Abeledo-Perrot, Buenos Aires. (ISSN 2545-6261) (AÑO DEL CENTENARIO DE LA REVISTA). (Peer reviewed by the Board of the Law Journal). [“Essay On Ethical Excellence In The Legal Professions”].
  61. Insolvency Professionals Qualifications”. Report of Argentina. 2018. “The 2018 INSOL INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORY, The comprehensive directory of restructuring, insolvency and bankruptcy professionals throughout the world”, GTI Media in partnership with INSOL International, London, 2018, 22-23. ISBN 1 84318 982 8.
  62. “El proceso concursal extrajudicial previo en el Código de Quiebras de Estados Unidos (el Prepackaged Chapter Eleven del U.S. Code)”, en Dikaion, 27, 2 (2018), pp. 231-281. DOI: 10.5294/dika.2018.27.2.3. (Revista de Derecho de la Universidad de La Sabana,  Colombia), (Indexed in RedalycScieloPublindex (C), EBSCO-Fuente Académica, Google AcadémicoDialnetLatindexHELACLASEProQuest - Criminal Justice , ERIH-Plus).  ISSN 0120-8942 - eISSN 2027-5366. [“The Prepackaged Chapter Eleven of the U.S. Code”].
  63. “El derecho internacional privado de la insolvencia en Argentina y en el Mercosur”, REVISTA DIKAION, Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia, Vol. 29 número 1, 92-164, Año 2020. Revista con Referato externo indexada en: RedalycScieloPublindex (C), EBSCO-Fuente Académica, Google AcadémicoDialnetLatindexHELACLASEProQuest - Criminal Justice , ERIH-Plus).  ISSN 0120-8942 - eISSN 2027-5366. DOI: (“Private International Bankruptcy Law In Argentina And In Mercosur. Some Considerations De Lege Lata And De Lege Ferenda”).
  64.  “El “Cramdown” del Chapter Eleven del Código de Bancarrotas de Estados Unidos”, Revista Quaestio Iuris (Universidad del Estado de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil), Vol. 13, número 4, año 2020, 1592-1629, DOI: . (ISSN 1516-0351) Qualis B1 Direito. (Indexada en Latindex, DOAJ, BASE, Thomson Reuters Web of Science, EBSCO host, CENGAGE Learning, CROSSREF Metadata Search, PKP Public Knowledge Project, JURN, MIAR Universitat Barcelona), SCILIT. (“The "Cramdown Power" of Chapter Eleven of the US Bankruptcy Code”).
  65. Glossary of Insolvency Law terms, INSOL INTERNATIONAL, London, ( ) /Insol publications/Glossary of terms. (Insol members’ web site). On 10 July 2020 he drafted the final version of a Glossary of bankruptcy law terms in English for publication by INSOL INTERNATIONAL, based in London published with reference on its website ( ) /Insol publications/Glossary of terms. (Insol members' sector).
  66. El proceso de reorganización concursal de Estados Unidos (Chapter Eleven del United States Code)”, Aspectos introductorios y generales”, Anuario de Derecho Concursal (España), ISSN 1698-997X, Nº. 53, 2021, 237-272. (Indexed in DIALNET, LATINDEX) ISSN 1698-997X. (“The US Bankruptcy Reorganization Process (Chapter Eleven Of The United States Code)". Introductory issues and general aspects”).
  67. “El proceso de reorganización concursal de Estados Unidos (Chapter Eleven del United States Code)”, Aspectos introductorios y presupuestos conceptuales para una correcta interpretación del sistema, Revista del Derecho Comercial y de las Obligaciones, número 311 año 2022, 1-32, Ed. Abeledo Perrot, Buenos Aires (Approved by the board of the Law Journal indexed in Dialnet – Universidad de La Rioja (España). ISSN 1851-1805.) [The U.S. Bankruptcy Reorganization Process (Chapter Eleven Of The United States Code)", Introductory Aspects And Conceptual Assumptions For A Correct Interpretation Of The System.]
  68. Der Begriff der Zahlungsunfähigkeit im argentinischen Insolvenzrecht”, Konkurs, Treuhand und Schiedgerichtswesen, Zeitschrift für Insolvenzrecht, Heft 3- 2023, 1-46. Walter de Gruyter. Germany. Issn 2366-231X. [“The Concept of Insolvency in Argentine Bankruptcy Law” (in German)].
  69. A Commentary Of The Argentine Cross Border Insolvency Bill Of 2018”, to be published. (paper in English for publication after a peer review proceeding).







  1. “Historia del concepto de estado de cesación de pagos en el derecho argentino y comparado (1862-1945)”, en Revista del Derecho Comercial y de las Obligaciones, año 2018, número 293, noviembre-diciembre  2018, págs. 691-724, Ed. Abeledo Perrot, Buenos Aires (Indexed in Dialnet – Universidad de La Rioja (España). ISSN 1851-1805.
  2. English translation of the 27-page Preliminary Draft Argentine Cross-Border Insolvency Law 2018 for INSOL International, currently under peer review.
  3. English translation of Dr. Roberto Esteban Abieri's 20-page paper for INSOL International, currently under peer review.
  4. Supervision of Dr. Daniel Fernando Alonso's 22-page article for INSOL International, currently under peer review.
  5. “Responsabilidad de directores de sociedades en los Estados Unidos. Defensas oponibles y acuerdos transaccionales en las acciones procesales”, in Revista Quaestio Iuris, (University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Vol. 12 , issue 01, year 2019 , pages 1-38. DOI 10.12957 / rqi 2019.33906. (ISSN 1516-0351) Journal indexed with a Referee evaluation. (Indexed in Latindex, DOAJ, BASE, Thomson Reuters Web of Science, EBSCO host, CENGAGE Learning, CROSSREF Metadata Search, PKP Public Knowledge Project, JURN, MIAR Universitat Barcelona), SCILIT. ("Liability of company directors in the United States. Opposable defences and settlement agreements in procedural actions").
  6. “Consideraciones actuales y propuestas de reforma de lege lata y de lege ferenda para el derecho internacional privado de la insolvencia en Argentina y en el Mercosur”, REVISTA DIKAION, Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia, Vol. 29 number 1, pages 92-164, Year 2020. Journal with external refereeing indexed in: SCOPUS, Redalyc, Scielo, Publindex (C), EBSCO-Fuente Académica, Google Scholar, Dialnet, Latindex, HELA, CLASE, ProQuest - Criminal Justice , ERIH-Plus).  ISSN 0120-8942 - eISSN 2027-5366. DOI: ("Current considerations and proposals for reform de lege lata and de lege ferenda for private international insolvency law in Argentina and Mercosur").
  7.  “El “Cramdown” del Chapter Eleven del Código de Bancarrotas de Estados Unidos”, Quaestio Iuris Journal (University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Vol. 13, number 4, year 2020, pages 1592-1629, DOI: .54542 . . (ISSN 1516-0351) Qualis B1 Direito. (Indexed in Latindex, DOAJ, BASE, Thomson Reuters Web of Science, EBSCO host, CENGAGE Learning, CROSSREF Metadata Search, PKP Public Knowledge Project, JURN, MIAR Universitat Barcelona), SCILIT. ("The "Cramdown" of Chapter Eleven of the United States Bankruptcy Code").
  8. On 10 July 2020 drafted the final version of a Glossary of bankruptcy law terms in English for Argentina, published by INSOL INTERNATIONAL, based in London published on its website (  /Insol publications/Glossary of terms (Insol members' sector).
  9. "El proceso de reorganización concursal de Estados Unidos (Chapter Eleven of the United States Code)", Anuario de Derecho Concursal (Spain), (DIALNET, LATINDEX indexed journal with referee evaluation), ISSN 1698-997X, Nº. 53, 2021, pp. 237-272. (“The Chapter Eleven of the United States Code”).
  10. “A Commentary Of The Argentine Cross Border Insolvency Bill Of 2018", published online in INSOL INTERNATIONAL LATIN AMERICA NEWSLETTER, issue number 4, July 2021 (36 pages) (London) .
  11. "El "Cramdown" del Chapter Eleven del Código de Bancarrotas de Estados Unidos", Revista del Derecho Comercial y de las Obligaciones, number 310, year 2021, pages 150-169, Ed. Abeledo Perrot, Buenos Aires (journal with the approval of the Editorial Board indexed in Dialnet - Universidad de La Rioja (Spain). ISSN 1851-1805. ("The "Cramdown" of Chapter Eleven of the United States Bankruptcy Code")
  12. "Responsabilidad de directores de sociedades en los Estados Unidos. Defensas oponibles y acuerdos transaccionales en las acciones procesales”, Revista Jurisprudencia Argentina, year 2021, IV, fascicle 1 of 29 September 2021, ps. 3-21. ISSN 2545-0261, Abeledo Perrot, Buenos Aires. (“Directors' liability in the United States. Opposable defences and settlement agreements in procedural actions".”)
  13. "Responsabilidad de directores de sociedades por abuso en la revelación y utilización de información empresarial en los Estados Unidos", Revista del Derecho Comercial y de las Obligaciones, number 311, Nov-Dec year 2021, pages 1-34, Ed. Abeledo Perrot, Buenos Aires (journal with the approval of the Editorial Board indexed in Dialnet - Universidad de La Rioja (Spain). ISSN 1851-1805. ("Liability of company directors for abuse in the disclosure and use of corporate information in the United States").
  14. "El proceso de reorganización concursal de Estados Unidos (Chapter Eleven of the United States Code)", Anuario de Derecho Concursal (Spain), (refereed journal), ISSN 1698-997X, Nº. 53, 2021, pp. 237-272. (Refereed journal indexed in DIALNET, LATINDEX) ISSN 1698-997X. (“The US Bankruptcy Reorganization Process (Chapter Eleven Of The United States Code)". Some Considerations In Order To Understand Properly The Bankruptcy System Of The US Code”).
  15. “Der Begriff der Zahlungsunfähigkeit im argentinischen Insolvenzrecht”, (in German) Konkurs, Treuhand und Schiedgerichtswesen, Zeitschrift für Insolvenzrecht, Heft 3- 2023, ps. 1-46. Walter de Gruyter. Germany. Issn 2366-231X. ("The concept of insolvency in Argentine insolvency law").
  16. “The Concept of Insolvency (Cessation of Payments, State of Default or Bankruptcy Status). A Historic and Comparative Law Analysis”, REVISTA QUAESTIO IURIS16 (3), dic 2023, 1631–1673. “The Concept of Insolvency (Cessation of Payments, State of Default or Bankruptcy Status). A Historic and Comparative Law Analysis”.
  17. “El proceso de reorganización concursal de Estados Unidos. Aspectos introductorios y presupuestos conceptuales. Lexis Nexis - Jurisprudencia Argentina. Buenos Aires: Thomson Reuters. 2022, vol. n°. p.1 - 25. issn 0326-1190. (“The US bankruptcy reorganization process. Introductory aspects and conceptual assumptions”).



Professional Positions:



Attorney-at-Law (1982-2006)


Researcher and Legal Consultant (2007-present)

2000 - present: Member of the Arbitration Court of the Colegio Público de Abogados de la Capital Federal on Commercial Law matters.


Scholarships awarded:



1. Scholarship from Banco Comercial del Norte SA, during the University Postgraduate Specialization Course in Insolvency Law, at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National University of Tucumán, between 1986 and 1989, for the completion of the same.

2. Scholarship of Initiation to Research and Higher Education, from the Instituto de Estudios e Investigación SA (Madrid), the Fundación Universitaria de Navarra and the Asociación de Amigos de la Universidad de Navarra, from October 1991 to September 1996, for the Doctorate Program in Law in Spain.

3.         Scholarship holder of the Max Planck Gesellschaft of Germany, to work in a post-doctorate on commercial law at the Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, in Hamburg, Germany, for eight months in 2000.

4.         Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Bonn, Germany, for a project on "Liability of groups of companies in crisis under German law" at the Institut für Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht of the Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany, during the years 2003-2005.

5.         Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bonn, Germany, at the "Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht" in Hamburg, Germany, during 2010.

6.         Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, based in Bonn, Germany, at the "Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht" in Hamburg, Germany, during 2015.

7.         Visiting Scholar during 2015 at the Institut für Internationales und Europäisches Insolvenzrecht der Universität zu Koeln (Cologne, Germany). )

8.         Scholar at the School of Law of the University of St. Thomas, Minnesota, USA, from August 13, 2019 to May 26, 2020 for the Master of United States Law (School of Law - Deans' Full Tuition Scholarship).





1. Recognition of Sufficiency for the development of research activities, with the qualification of Excellent (the best note), by the Interdepartmental Commission of the University of Navarra, in November 1993.

2. Accésit Prize of the National Academy of Law and Social Sciences of Buenos Aires, awarded in 1999, for the doctoral thesis published in 1998, in Buenos Aires.

3. Appointment as "Insol International Scholar Award" during the period 2008-2009, by "Insol International", an international federation of scientific and professional associations for the study of Insolvency Law worldwide, with headquarters in London.

4. Appointment as Honorary Member of INSOL EUROPE, based in London, in 1997.

5. Appointment as Fellow of the Institute of European and Comparative Law of the University of Oxford, United Kingdom in 2010.





Spanish (native language). English (fluent). German (intermediate level at the Goethe Institut in Bonn, Germany). French (intermediate). Italian (intermediate).





  1. 1982-1991: “Colegio de Abogados de Tucumán”, Tucumán, Argentina.
  2. 1986-present: “Colegio Público de Abogados de la Capital Federal”, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  3. 1991-present: “Asociación Argentina de Estudios sobre la Insolvencia”, Buenos Aires.
  4. 1993-present: “Insol International”, International Association of Restructuring, Insolvency & Bankruptcy Professionals, London, United Kingdom.
  5. 1983-different periods: “American Bankruptcy Institute”, Alexandria, VA, USA.
  6. 1995-present: “Alumni Navarrensis”, Pamplona, Navarra, Spain.
  7. 1997-present: Colegio de Abogados de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires.
  8. 1998-present: “Argentinisch-Deutsche Juristenvereinigung”, Buenos Aires-Hamburg (Germany).
  9. 2000-present: “Freunde des Hamburger Max-Planck-Instituts für ausländisches und Internationales Privatrecht e.V.”, Hamburg, Germany.
  10. 1997-present: Honorary Member of “Insol Europe”, London, UK.
  11. 2008-present: Insol International Academics’ Group, London, UK.
  12. 2015-present: European Law Institute, Vienna, Austria.
  13. 2020-present: Instituto de Investigaciones de Historia del Derecho, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  14. 2020-present: Asociación Argentina de Derecho Comparado, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Postgraduate research stays abroad:


  1. 1991-1997: Universidad de Navarra, Law School. (six years)
  2. 1993: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Law School, Madrid, Spain. (two months)
  3. 1994: Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Law School, Barcelona, Spain. (one month)
  4. 1993-1994: Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid, (two months).
  5. 1994: Colegio de Abogados de Barcelona, Barcelona, (one month).
  6. 1997: Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London, London, (two months)
  7. 1997: London School of Economics & Political Science, London, (two months).
  8. 1998: Rheinisches-Wilhelms Universität Bonn, Germany, (two months).
  9. 1998: Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster, Germany.
  10. 1998: Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und Internationales Privatrecht, Hamburg, Germany (two months).
  11. 1999: Universidad de la República. Law School, Montevideo, Uruguay.
  12. 2000: Fellow del Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und Internationales Privatrecht, Hamburgo, el 2000 (six months).
  13. 2000: Hamburg Universität, Hamburg, Germany, (two months)
  14. 2000: Freie Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany, (two months).
  15. 2003-2005: Fellow, Institut für Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht, Rheinisches-Wilhelms Universität Bonn, Bonn, Germany, (18 months).
  16. 2010: Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und Internationales Privatrecht, Hamburg, Germany. (two months)
  17. 2010: “Fellow”, Institute of European and Comparative Law, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, (one month).
  18. 2013: Visiting Scholar, George Washington University, Law School, Washington DC, USA (one month).
  19. 2013: Universidad de Los Andes, Santiago, Chile.
  20.  2014: “Arthur W. Diamond Law Library”, Columbia Law School, New York.
  21. 2015: “Research Fellow”, Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und Internationales Privatrecht, Hamburg, Germany (one month)
  22. 2015: Visiting Scholar, Institut für internationales und Europäisches Insolvenzrecht der Universität zu Koeln, Cologne, Germany (two months).
  23. 2015: “Visiting Scholar”, Center for Commercial Law Studies, Quen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom, (one month).
  24. 2019-2020: LLM Candidate. Law School. University of St. Thomas. Minnesota. (one year)