Mr. Justice Mario  Vukelic  pictureMr. Justice Mario Vukelic

Judge, President of EU law department of the High Commercial Court of the Republic of Croatia

High Commercial Court of the Republic of Croatia


Mario Vukeli?, LLB, BA in Economics

Mario Vukeli? is Judge and President of EU law department of the High Commercial Court of the Republic of Croatia. His judicial career at the High Commercial Court and the Commercial Court in Zagreb spans over thirty-eight years. He was the President of High Commercial Court of the Republic of Croatia from 2009- 2021.
He is an arbitrator and a conciliator.
He is also a senior lecturer of Commercial Law, Company Law , Commercial contracts Law, andEssentials of Law, at the VERN’ University in Zagreb.

In 1981 Mr. Vukeli? earned his LLB at the University of Zagreb's Faculty of Law and a BA in Economics from the University of Zagreb's Faculty of Economics and Business.

Mr. Vukeli? was a member of various expert groups for drafting laws at the Ministry of Justice (including Insolvency Act, Consumer Insolvency Act and Civil Procedure Act). In addition he was a member of the Supervisory board of the Association of Croatian Judges and of Program council of Judicial Academy. He is member of various experts groups of the World Bank, a member of Board of Directors International Insolvency Institute (III), the International Exchange of Experience on Insolvency Law (IEEI) and the Judicial Wing of INSOL Europe. He was a member of the Negotiating Team for Accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union (2005–2012), a representative of the Republic of Croatia to the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) (2005–2008) and the EU expert for judicial reform in the area of commercial law in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2015-2016).

Mr. Vukeli? is the author of several books and a number of papers on the topics of commercial law, bankruptcy law and company law.
He was lecturer, speaker, participant on large number of domestic and international law seminars, conferences and conventions organized by/at European Commission, the Council of Europe, the World Bank, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia, the European Court of Justice, the European Court of Human Rights, the Federal Constitutional Court of the Federal Republic of Germany , the Supreme Court of the United States, the Supreme Commercial Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the People's Republic of China ,CEPEJ, CARDS, Croatian Chamber of Commerce, German Ministry of Justice, PIET, USAID, ABA, CEELI, International Commission of Jurists - Canadian section, German Foundation for International legal Cooperation, National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges - USA, Faculty of Law Zagreb, Pepperdine University School of Law, Malibu, McGill University-Faculty of Law, Montreal, Peking University.